
“I can honestly say that this course has changed my life. Mindfulness is not a quick fix and Lucy made that very clear from the beginning. I am not suddenly a brand new person who never worries, never feels sad and sits under a Bodhi tree in a state of Zen all day! But I do feel like I now have the tools I need to manage myself more effectively and for the first time (probably ever) I like myself and I will be forever grateful for taking this time for myself. Thank you Lucy.” C.O.

“This course has helped me in more ways than I ever imagined. It isn’t a quick fix or something that will help you only at this time, if you practice mindfulness regularly it will help for as long as you practice. I can’t imagine my life without it!” KSH 

“This course will improve your life forever. I wish I had done it in my 20’s ”

“Highly recommend Lucy’s mindfulness course. The content is invaluable and you will see results straightaway but you will also leave with the tools to use in everyday life. Join Lucy’s course – you won’t regret it”

“I have found the course very helpful in stopping me be anxious about many things. The course has helped me be more present in my life and stop stressing about the past and the future.” Jane 

“That this course won’t just help you now but for as long as you practice. Once you start practicing and see the difference you’ll want to keep it up. It’s the best thing I’ve done for me. ”

“I knew nothing about Mindfulness when I started the course but was pleasantly surprised with the way I now approach my daily life. I experience a lot ot pain daily.and instead of getting emotional and angry about it I can accept it more . The pain is still there but is a lot softer now I feel calmer about it. I would thoroughly recommend it to my friends” JS

“The course will give you the some really simple tools to help reduce stress levels, enhance relationships and get the most out of life! “

“Equips you with strategies and tools to relieve stress and think about how you are living in the moment.”

“Practical helpful practices to make life seem more manageable and positive”

“Mindfulness is such a wonderful tool to have, it allows you to be present and mindfully respond to situations. It gives you time to think before you react and you won’t believe how powerful that is. Lucy has a gift in the way she trains and within eight weeks you can be actively using the tools” 

“The course was amazing. Totally much more than I have expected. It had a practical toolkit to manage both stress and the wider way of running my thoughts and life. I would be inclined to redo the course even though I have done it already.”

“ I feel far more chilled out, focussed, thoughtful and content. And I feel a sense of inner peace that I haven’t felt for a long time. I would recommend this to anyone. Thank you Lucy for a well put together course and your delivery of it and for being so supportive.”

 “Lucy is clearly an expert in the field of mindfulness. I have tried classes with other practitioners, but Lucy’s format really connected with me, with its focus on the science behind the practice and the benefits over time. Lucy’s classes are really well organised and structured, whilst still maintaining an inclusive atmosphere with participants feeling very comfortable to share their experiences. Through Lucy’s class I have realised how much of my life was focused on the future, rather than living in the present and appreciating the small things in life, which ultimately make up the bigger picture. I have recognised my tendency to catastrophise and have developed coping mechanisms to manage this. In addition, the class was good fun – very supportive and full of laughter! I would recommend to anyone”- AF

“If someone is feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious about life, particularly if the root cause is work related, then the MBSR course will provide the foundations to help minimise and manage these feelings from occurring.”

 “I am now able to meditate more regularly and be mindful more often through the day. This keeps me focused on what I am doing and therefore enjoy whatever I am doing. I look at the positives in what I do, this gives me pleasure rather than wish things could be easier or ‘why do I have to do this’. I am hoping that by building a strong base of feeling good and knowing what I do is good, will see me through the difficult times that may come along.”

“The course is great both in terms of content, pace and also practices. Lucy is very professional and knows her subject/area well. She’s available both before/during/ after the course to guide people and also offers regular practice sessions you can dip into and out of for a very reasonable fee. Doing the course hasn’t led to huge changes in my life yet but I think that reflects my own battle with dedicating regular time to practice in the midst of a global pandemic with children, work and lots going on. However I can say it has made more reflective of how to respond to situations and also how much control I have over these so overall it remains a work in progress but has given some very good tools to start with on this journey and opportunities to practice them. I hope practicing mindfulness becomes something that features regularly in my life and also those close to me as I can see the benefits of regular practice going forwards and Lucy provides a very introduction to this along with support to deepen your awareness and own practice should you chose to. Huge thank you to Lucy for helping me get through the past couple of months and retain some semblance of sanity/calmness.”

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